I should have started this years ago as I have been traveling around the world solo since I was 20… but better late than never ;). I also would really like to share my love for places and maybe inspire you, lovely reader, to take a trip of your own.
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Now true, there are hundreds of travel blogs out there. I know a great one, and she specializes in female solo travel (I’ll plug her blog because she really is amazing: AdventurousKate), but I just wanted a place to keep my personal travel stories for myself and for whomever wishes to read them :).
Do you ever think about just picking up and leaving for a while? Exploring the unknown? Experiencing new cultures? Think you can’t afford that? Well you actually can! True maybe you can’t afford room service and five star hotels everywhere, but you can still see places! I’ve stayed in countless hostels, train stations, and airports (check out sleepinginairports.com for great reviews!), and had some exciting stories from doing so! Ever been woken up in the middle of the night by an older man bursting into your room, turning on the lights, and yelling at some girl in a top bunk to get out because she hadn’t paid for the past week? I have, and it was at a lovely hostel in Athens, Greece. Where they played movies outside (I re-watched Mission Impossible 2 there and realized how many slow motion doves are in that film! Oh John Woo.) ;). Ever had no power at night and had to walk around with a candle and listen to attractive Irish men tell ghost stories? That was at a fantastic hostel in Galway, Ireland. Where I met a fantastic girl from Leipzig, Germany! Aw, I miss her! I’ve also stayed in rooms where I opened the curtains and literally was staring directly into old tombstones (thank you amazing Sterling, Scotland!). 😉 So I guess what I’m saying is, if you want to travel the world on a tight budget, you really can! And you’ll have lots of epic stories because of it. I’m living proof of that :). Don’t let time slip away from you! “This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.”… or however that Fight Club quote goes ;). Aw… now there’s a great film! (And book!)
Anyway, I really just wanted to say hi. And I’ll be posting more soon! I’m planning my first trip to Thailand for next month which I’m very excited about!! 🙂 And I am taking any and all suggestions on things to do while there! Hugs and so much love :).